It is one of important field in dentistry which is dealt with care, a child in different growth phase comes along with different mental state and acquires the learning process. Oral examination is a necessary procedure to check for any discrepancies including tooth and soft tissue. A proper speech, function and esthetic may be hampered by tongue tie, cleft lip or palate, irregular dentition or malaligned tooth. This is the age they should be examined for all these deformity. If these deformity are not corrected child suffers from psychological depression and feels inferiority complex. This is the age for foundation of belief and self confidence which is carried out through the life time. So bring them to doctor, he will counsel and correct any deformity to help them to be part of society in a better way.
Guidelines for working with children
parents / guardians are always welcome in the room
comfort is always our concern
parent / guardian consent and guidance are vital, before any procedure
First Visit
We recommend a first checkup by 12 months. A simple guide for when to schedule a first visit:
no longer than 6 months after first tooth is erupted
at least by 12 months old
as soon as possible if you have any queries
There is a significant value for early well baby dental checkups. In particular, checkups for very young children address many concerns including teaching adults how to care for their child's teeth and gums, how to help their children learn to care for themselves, answering parents questions and concerns, and planning for future dental health.
Education and prevention are the cornerstones of our concern for the dental health of children. In addition to teaching parents and guardians about dental care for their child, checkups are an appropriate time to comfortably and easily evaluate:
how many teeth are present
are all teeth present
loose teeth if any
braces / bite evaluation
cavity check
check health of gums
habit evaluation
homecare / prevention
fluoride use
review diet
address adult's concerns
teach adults how to care for child's teeth
Home Dental Care Tips
It is often difficult initially to brush your child's teeth. They can really put up a struggle, screaming, kicking, crying, running away, not opening their mouths - every kid is different.
Healthy teeth and gums are so important to start out life with. We've often heard the value of choosing your battles with your children, and this is one to choose.